Our simulation models use two components: a plastic trainer (hardware) used in conjunction with a disposable ex-vivo specimen (software). Some disposable specimens are hybrid models combining plastic, silicon with real tissue. These types of models are single-use disposables.
Our specimens and trainer rentals are shipped express for on-time and fresh arrival. All specimens are shipped frozen and will require thawing and refrigerated storage upon arrival.
Please see our Simulators and Specimens below. Custom specimens are available! Please contact us if you are interested in a custom-made specimen for your hands-on workshop.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Simulation Models

EASIE-R4 Simulator
The EASIE-R4 Simulator is the newest model of the EASIE-R series. It is completely re-designed to facilitate an improved specimen installation and more therapeutic procedures to be performed in the same model.
EASIE-R3 Simulator
This series allows the realistic simulation of interventional gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures such as EMR, ESD, POEM and EUS using ex-vivo porcine gastrointestinal organ packages
ColoEASIE-2 Simulator
Our new lower GI model of the EASIE series is the ColoEASIE-2.
This series allows the realistic simulation of interventional gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures such as EMR, ESD, and others using our ex-vivo porcine organ packages.
Thompson Endoscopic Skills Trainer (TEST)
The Thompson Endoscopic Skills Trainer (TEST) is a portable training tool designed to assess and improve endoscopic skills.
EASIE-R1 Simulator
The EASIE-R1 (TM) is a modification of the Erlangen Active Simulator for Interventional Endoscopy (EASIE TM) designed for the realistic simulation of interventional endoscopy, including EUS and NOTES. The ex-vivo porcine gastrointestinal organ packages used in this model are obtained from the meat production industry and provide a realistic tactile feedback with the possibility to use commercially available endoscopic and surgical devices.
EASIE-R2 Simulator
Completely refined and versatile simulation model with flat bottom tray. This model contains a second bottom PEG board with adjustable alligator clamps to facilitate the use of organs of variable type, size and shape. The versatile design allows for add-on specimen modules for ERCP, Zenkers, Colonoscopy, and more!
Proctoscopy Simulator
Simulation model of the anus to be used with anus/rectum cartridges
Proctoscopy cartridge
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Real Tissue Ex-vivo Models
ESD/EMR Porcine Stomach in our EASIE-R3 Simulator
Upper GI Specimen
Porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum specimen
Diagnostic EGD
Endoscopic Mucosa Resection (EMR)
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
Variceal band ligation
Barretts Esophagus
Optional Simulated Stenosis -dilation and stent placement
Optional MEGA Specimen- POEM
Bovine Colon in our ColoEASIE-2 tray
Lower GI Specimen
Bovine or Porine ex-vivo colon specimen
EMR/ESD in the colon and rectum
Optional Simulated Stenosis -dilation and stent placement
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Specimen in our EASIE-R1 Simulator
Upper/Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding Specimen
Standard porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum specimen or Bovine Colon Specimen with 5-6 bleeding vessels sutured into the specimen
Hemostasis in the GI tract:
Bovine Polyps - custom made
Upper / Lower Gastrointestinal Polypectomy Specimen
Artificial polyps in our Upper GI Specimen, or Lower GI Specimens
Upper GI - Standard porcine esophagus, stomach, duodenum with 10-15 polyps
Lower GI Bovine - Standard bovine colon with 10-15 polyps
Lower GI Porcine - Standard porcine colon with 10-15 polyps
* Please contact us for specific types/sizes.
Suturing of gastric defect
Gastric Defect Specimen
Standard Porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum specimen with EMR type defects
Perforation Closure
Metal stent in our ERCP NeoPapilla Cartridge
ERCP NeoPapilla Cartridge
Cartridge (hybrid) ERCP model with porcine ex-vivo duodenum with an artificial major papilla made of chicken heart tissue.
The artificial papilla allows access to the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. The exchange of the chicken heart allows the performance of multiple sphincterotomies in the same specimen. The chicken heart tissue can be exchanged within 30 seconds.
Diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP
Multiple spincterotomies in the same specimen
15-20 Chicken heart papillae with each specimen cartridge!
ERCP Native Biliary
Porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum-biliary tract-liver-gallbladder specimen.
This complete biliary model contains the native (unaltered) biliary tract including major duodenal papilla, common bile duct, cystic duct, gallbladder, and intrahepatic ducts. Please note that the porcine major papilla does not have a common confluence of common bile duct and pancreatic duct. In the native porcine specimen, the pancreatic duct enters the duodenum at the minor papilla, separate from the common bile duct.
Diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP
One sphincterotomy per specimen
Balloon Enteroscopy Specimen in our EASIE-R1
Balloon Enteroscopy Specimen
Porcine ex-vivo esophagus, stomach, duodenum and 5-6 feet of small bowel (ileum)
Single balloon enteroscopy
Double balloon enteroscopy
Radial EUS image
EUS Complete Specimen
Complete porcine ex-vivo upper GI tract model with esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. The aorta can be perfused with a roller pump system to simulate Doppler. Optional pathologies on request for additional cost
Diagnostic and therapeutic EUS
EUS-FNA of pancreatic pseudocysts
EUS-FNA of artificial tumors in the esophagus, stomach and liver
EUS-guided cystogastrostomy
FNA of solid lesion
EUS Task Trainer
EUS cartridge model with pancreatic cyst, esophageal tumors and gastric mass
Therapeutic EUS
EUS-FNA of target lesions
Proctoscopy Simulator and Specimen
Proctoscopy Specimen
Cartridge model of a porcine ex-vivo anus and rectum
Hemorrhoid ligation
Anal sphincter repair
Cartridge task trainer with ex-vivo model of an artificial pharyngoesophageal diverticulum with a pharyngeal pouch
Zenker diverticulotomy
Twisted Sleeve
Porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum specimen with altered anatomy resembling the status post laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Twisted sleeve model realistically simulates a gastric volvulus as a complication of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Porcine ex-vivo esophagus-stomach-duodenum specimen with altered anatomy resembling the status post laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
This model has the NeoPapilla attachment that allows sphincterotomy and therapeutic ERCP.
EGD and ERCP in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Anatomy