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Long Island Live 2020 Virtual Course - August 14th, 2020

Long Island Live 2020 Virtual Course

Dear colleagues,

Due to COVID restrictions, the 12th Long Island Live on 3/20/2020 was cancelled and, at present, we are still unable to offer the full course with our usual international and out-of-state faculty. Therefore, in lieu of the full format LIL, we offer a free live virtual "mini-version" of Long Island Live. Please join us for this live webcast on August 14, 7:30am- 6:30pm EST, at which will feature 4 uninterrupted livecases shown in their entirety and two in-depth lectures on POEM and ESD.


7:30-8:00 Live case #1: Z-POEM (Diverticulotomy for Zenker's diverticulum)

8.00-9.00 Live case #2: POEM (Endoflip/Anti-Reflux POEM in type 3 achalasia)

9:00-10:10 Lecture #1: POEM vs Heller. A comprehensive review of the evidence

10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-2:00 Live case #3: EFTR (5 cm gastric GIST. NOTES excision/sutured closure)

2:00-2:30 Lunch break

2:30-3:30 Lecture #2: ESD vs EMR in the West. Focus on Barrett's & colon"

3:30-6:30 Live case #4: Colon ESD (LST R colon; DiLumen/Novel traction devices/Suturing)

  • Live Q+A will be available for participants during the live cases and after the two lectures.

  • Operator: Stavros Stavropoulos, FASGE, AGAF, FJGES, Chief of Endoscopy, NYU-Winthrop

  • This activity is approved for a maximum of 9.5 CME credits by NYU-Winthrop CME.

Prior LIL courses from 2013 to 2019 are available on demand, winner of  2018 & 2019 e-Healthcare awards for best medical content. Content includes over 70 live Endoscopic Surgery cases & 40 lectures by US, Asian and European masters expertly analyzed by Prof. Christopher Gostout.

Later Event: October 11
UEGW 2020